Welcome to Peace!
If it has been a while since you have been to church, you have never been to church, or you are looking for a new
church family, we are so glad you stopped by to learn more about us! We understand that it can be a little
intimidating to walk into a new church — at one time or another we have all been there! At Peace, we want you to
feel welcome because God has welcomed us through Christ, no matter your race, class, or sexual orientation. Please know that no matter who you are, you have a place here at Peace.
church family, we are so glad you stopped by to learn more about us! We understand that it can be a little
intimidating to walk into a new church — at one time or another we have all been there! At Peace, we want you to
feel welcome because God has welcomed us through Christ, no matter your race, class, or sexual orientation. Please know that no matter who you are, you have a place here at Peace.
What We Believe
We are part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), a group of forward-looking, open-minded Lutheran Churches. We hold up the Holy Scriptures as our guide for faith. We also consider historical Christian tradition and human reason as we determine how to be faithful to God. ELCA Lutherans are ecumenical, we worship and share ministries with other denominations and communions. We invite all who are baptized to share in Holy Communion with us. We also share ordained leadership with other denominations/communions. We believe that men and women are considered equal in God’s eyes, including the ordaining of women to full ministry. In Peace’s short history, we’ve had two female pastors!
Sunday morning worship is at 9:00 a.m. and last about an hour. Our basic worship style is a traditional liturgical service that includes: gathering as a community; hearing God’s Word (including readings from the bible and a message from the Pastor); sharing in Holy Communion; and going forth to do God’s work. We sing traditional and contemporary hymns, and include a special message for the children every Sunday. We often have additional special music, performed by instrumentalists or the church choir. There is no dress code. Feel free to wear what is most fitting or comfortable to you. Our church has only one level and is wheelchair-accessible.
Holy Communion is offered at all Sunday services and is open to all who have been baptized. We believe that God’s grace comes to us through this sacrament not because of our worthiness, but that it is a free gift for our nourishment in faith in Jesus Christ. Thus, even young children are invited to commune. Visitors can receive Communion at their seats if so desired.
We believe in the true presence of Jesus Christ in Holy Communion. In line with Martin Luther’s teaching, we believe Jesus is present “in, with, and under” the elements of bread and wine. Because of this, Holy Communion (also called the Eucharist) is the centerpiece of our worship. |
ChildrenWe welcome children of all ages as integral members of the body of Christ, and we welcome the sounds and activity that accompany them! There are a number of spaces and activities designed for children to experience and participate in worship according to their needs:
The Pray-Ground This area provides a quiet play space in the front of the Sanctuary. It is intended for families with infants and toddlers (0-3 years), recognizing that small kids are often more engaged when they can see what’s going on. A small table and chairs, baby bouncer and soft toys help to keep our little ones occupied. A glider is provided for parents and their young ones. This space allows families to worship together while recognizing it is unrealistic to expect a toddler to sit quietly in a pew. There are pews nearby for the parents/care givers to monitor while worshipping. Busy Bags Located in the Narthex before you enter the Sanctuary, these bags contain books, stuffed animals and other small items to keep little hands occupied. Nursery If your little one simply needs a break or space to wander, a nursery space is provided. Please check with an usher to see if a nursery attendant is assigned (or will be present) during the worship service. Sunday School Children ages 3 years old to 5th grade are welcome to participate in Sunday School after our Sunday worship from 10:15-11:15 am. This allows families to worship together during service time. During Sunday School time there is Adult Forum for Bible study (and exploration of other topics of interest) or a coffee hour for fellowship. |
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